Spotlight on Parishioners Pam and Tom Clark
Pam was led to Saint Mark's in 1987 by her husband Tom. They found a profound spiritual home for themselves and their five children. Through all the years within this community, the one constant is the welcoming Christian spirit that is conveyed to all who enter. They are both grateful for the gentle guidance from their Saint Mark's family that has supported their faith journey.
Lunch Provided by Downtown Pizza!
Parishioner John MacArthur, owner of Downtown Pizza will provide lunch on Sunday following our 10:30 service, during Coffee Hour. Our gratitude to John!
Advent Beach Morning Prayer (12/13, and 12/20)
Join us for our annual beach prayer on Mondays during Advent at 8:30 a.m. We will meet at the pavilion, on the beach east of A1A and next to the Commercial Boulevard Pier, in Lauderdale by the Sea. Fr. Harvey will be leading the prayer services. All are welcome. Following the beach prayer, some attendees gather together for breakfast at a nearby restaurant. 
Saint Mark's Guild Meeting (12/16)
The Guild will meet for fellowship on Thursday, December 16, at noon, at the Peter Pan Diner, located at 1216 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Oakland Park, FL 33334. The Guild meets on the third Thursday of the month. For January’s meeting the Guild will meet in the Parish Hall with a pot-luck lunch and speaker.
Christmas Poinsettias (Deadline 12/16)
Honor or memorialize your loved ones by making a generous gift to our Christmas Poinsettia Fund. These flowers will adorn our Christmas Altar and Church, during the Christmas Season, as they stand in celebration of those who have touched your life. If you would like the names of your loved ones printed in the Christmas Eve bulletins, please contact Kelly Harris; by Thursday, December 16th.
Saint Mark's Christmas Pot Luck Dinner (12/17)
We will have our Christmas Dinner on Friday, December 17th at 5:00 pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to join us in this festive gathering of fellowship, good food, and singing. Please bring a dish and join us. At the Sunday services, there will be a sign-up sheet to ensure a variety of food items. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!
Christmas Eve Services (12/24)
All are welcome to join us on Christmas Eve! Dr. Kevin Estes, our music director, and the choir will perform an extensive musical program at the beginning of each service. The service times are 7 and 10 pm. Our 7 pm service will feature additional musicians with a full choir.
Saint Mark's Church and School – 2022 Pictorial Wall Calendar
Please email Robin Dreyfuss at your favorite church photos of events/people. This is a great visual opportunity that unites Saint Mark's Episcopal Church and School community. The calendar will be a beautiful gift to all parishioners.
Youth Group Fundraiser
Tracy Beeson is selling cloth masks in various sizes to raise money for the Church Youth Group. The cost is $30 for one mask and $50 for two. Any questions contact Tracy at
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News