Annual Meeting of the Parish of Saint Mark's Episcopal Church (1/23)
The Annual Meeting will occur after the 10:30 am service on January 23rd  in the School Gym for social distancing purposes. Please come to celebrate the wonderful success of this past year, and voice your hopes for out future, and remember the very loved parishioners we have lost this year. Those who attend the 8:00 service, please come back for the lunch and meeting. Downtown Pizza is catering the lunch so the food will be amazing. Centerpieces will be a surprise! Take them away! 
There will be reports given on the state of the Church, the School, and Search Committee, Vestry Candidate Profiles and Ministry Reports! Come celebrate your Church community. Also, the Church/School Wall Calendar will be ready for the meeting! Our Vestry member, graphic designer, Lori McFadden, designed it this year and it is beautiful. Funded by Robin Dreyfuss.  
Annual Vestry Election at the Annual (1/23) – after the 10:30 am Service
At the St. Mark's Annual Parish Meeting parishioners will have the opportunity to elect a new class of Vestry members. This year we will elect 4 new members to the Vestry. Two current members, Tracy Beeson and Lori McFadden, have fulfilled their one-year term and are now retiring. We are grateful for their service.
The Vestry voted at their November meeting to restore the number of Vestry members back to 12 from the 10 who have served during this transitional year, so there are 4 open positions on the Vestry. We continue to add programs and responsibilities and we need a Vestry at full strength.
In a very transparent nomination process, the Nominating Committee, composed of our retiring members, used bulletin notices, weekly updates, and service announcements to offer any any parishioner the opportunity to run for a position on the Vestry. This year 4 candidates expressed interest in serving.
During the Vestry by-laws update in 2021 there was a new provision added. It states that during the period of Rector transition, a Vestry member whose term is expiring may be held over in order to support a new Rector. The Vestry is invoking this provision to allow our Senior Warden, Chuck Gregory, and Debbie Ferguson, whose terms are expiring, to stay an additional year. The Canon to the Ordinary supports this decision.
The parishioners nominated for the Class of 2024 are Carmen Carriazzo-Cannon, Norm Carroll, Gail Cuthbertson, and Pia Delvaille. They will be joining the Class of 2023 (Junior Warden; Harry Richardson, Treasurer; Ryan Brukardt, and Giselle Dorsett) and the Class of 2022 (Secretary; Robin Dreyfuss, Lynne Coughlin, and Mike Mullins. With Senior Warden Chuck Gregory and Debbie Ferguson being held over for 1 more year, this makes a total of 12 Vestry Members for 2022 with 4 of them new this year.
Saint Mark's Guild Meeting (1/20)
The Guild will meet on Thursday, January 20th at 12:00 noon in the parish hall. Watch for more details in next week's news.
Lector Workshop and Daughters of the King Admission Service
Both of these events will be rescheduled as soon as possible. We will keep you posted regarding the dates and tim.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News