Annual Parish Meeting Highlights
Senior Warden Chuck Gregory praised the vestry and congregation for transitioning Saint Mark's community from a parish of followers to a parish of leaders. In the absence of a rector, Father Harvey, the vestry, and parishioners have cooperated with the lay members embracing the roles of active leaders and volunteers, moving the mission of Saint Mark's forward. The expectation is that this model will continue after a rector is called. Chuck emphasized Saint Mark's commitment to our tenet that Saint Mark's is a spiritual home that welcomes all. Junior Warden Harry Richardson also praised the leadership and dedication of the vestry during a very challenging year. Their efforts have resulted in
new growth, optimism, community spirit, and a strong relationship between the Church and School. The Wardens indicated that the vestry is organizing a committee structure that parish members will have a clear path of knowing how to share their expertise to help grow Saint Mark's Church and School. In addition, fellowship, communication, finances, outreach, and growth were discussed.
Dr. Spencer Taintor, Head of School, provided a very positive present and future view of Saint Mark's School in the areas of growth, finances, and the relationship with Saint Mark's Church. He spoke of the need to maintain and upgrade some of the facilities. He also shared his excitement about the SeaLab with its opportunities for students and summer campers, which is currently being created along the waterfront of the school. The school will engage in a Strategic Planning process in the spring.
Terry Gaw reported on the Progress of the Rector Search Committee. He praised Sarah Weitz for her leadership and dedication as Chair. The current job demands of her time required her to leave the committee. Terry Gaw is the new Chair. Dorothy Seibert is a new member. The Search Committee has reposted the opening on the Episcopal News Service as a featured listing – giving the posting a greater exposure. Hopefully, by the end of February, the Diocese will have vetted the applicants for background information and forward the approved applicants to the committee for evaluation. The next step will be the committee reviewing the applicants' written statements, background checks, and conducting Zoom interviews.
Lori McFadden and Tracy Beeson were thanked and lauded for their dedication and hard work during their expiring terms on the vestry. They chose not to rerun at this time, but Lori will continue as Chair of the Communication Committee and Facebook Administrator. Chuck Gregory and Debbie Ferguson opted to continue serving on the vestry for one more year. Elected to the vestry for three-year terms are Carmen Carriazo-Cannon, Barbara Gail Cuthbertson, Dr. Norm Carroll, and Pia Delvaille. The vestry is
keeping the current officers: Chuck Gregory, Senior Warden; Harry Richardson, Junior Warden; Robin Dreyfuss, Secretary; Ryan Brukardt, Treasurer.
The overall tone of the Annual Meeting was gratitude, optimism, and embracing the challenge of the tasks ahead required to grow Saint Mark's in service to God. Downtown Pizza catered a varied, delicious lunch before the meeting, providing a chance for fellowship. Lori McFadden and Robin Dreyfuss created and donated a beautiful pictorial calendar for each family in the parish. It is a scrapbook of the 2021 Church and School year. Many people smiled and laughed when seeing a picture of themselves, friends, and events that brought fond memories. Thank you, Kelly Harris, for the excellent job on the printed annual report. And for also emailing it to every parishioner before the meeting. Thank you, Dr. Taintor, for your technical knowledge and help.
Looking Ahead
Sunday, February 13
Celebration of Love
Lenten/Holy Week, March 2 through April 16
A Lenten series is being planned. If you are interested in helping to plan the Lenten services and events, email Mike Mullins; (, chair of the Lenten/Easter Committee. 
How Lovely Are The Messengers: January 30th Anthem
By Jacob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn – 1809-1847
How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace.
To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words,
throughout all the lands their glad tidings.
This gently flowing piece from Mendelssohn's St. Paul Oratorio expresses the importance of those who spread God's Word.
Audio/Visual Committee
If you have interest and/or expertise in the Audio/Visual/Tech area please contact Kirk Bookman; (, who is chairing the committee to enhance our
audio/visual experience.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News