Now is the Time!
Thank you to the Members of the Stewardship Committee who spoke at the 8:00 and 11:30 am Sunday Services about the joy of Saint Mark's in their lives. You should have received a church mailing explaining how your giving can spread God's love to you, your family, church members and the community. Please fill in your pledge forms on line or fill out the pledge card on the table at the back of the Church and fill it in. For online giving and pledging go to and scroll down to click on Stewardship. Every pledge for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2022 is needed and greatly appreciate. Any Questions ask a Vestry Member or Stewardship Committee Member who is wearing a rose.
Church Spruce Up and Spring Cleaning – 10:30 am (4/2)
In order to have our Church shining for Easter Services and all our guests we will be meeting in the Church on Saturday, April 2 at 10:30 am. All students and adults are gratefully welcomed. All supplies will be provided. Also, if you are handy in sewing and mending we need help with repairing vestments and robes. Also if you are handy with sewing and mending we need help with repairing vestments and robes. Please contact Paula Green at or 954-213-5766 with any questions, suggestions or volunteering availability. 
Helping Ukraine (4/3)
The Episcopal Church has an Episcopal Relief and Development Outreach. Contributions will help people fleeing the violence in Ukraine by providing cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needed assistance to Ukrainian refugees. Next Sunday, April 3rd, there will be a collection during the Offertory for Ukraine. Please bring checks or cash for the special collection.
Acolyte Training – After the 10:30 Service (4/3)
Father Harvey and Ryan Brukardt will be leading acolyte training following the 10:30 service on April 3rd. Adults and children are encouraged to attend. If you have served as an acolyte and want to receive a refresher course, please join us. The training will serve as a rehearsal for Holy Week and Easter Sunday services. If you have any questions or plan to attend, email Ryan at
Lenten Monday Evening Bible Study – Monday (4/4)
via Zoom with Dr. Norm Carroll
On Monday, April 4, Dr. Norm Carroll will lead a zoom discussion on the Sunday Gospel for April 3rd, which is John 12:1-8, Jesus Anointed at Bethany. The discussion begins at 7:00 pm. Parishioners will receive an email each Monday afternoon with login instructions.
Tuesday Evenings Supper and Lenten Series (4/5)
On Tuesday, April 5, Father will conclude the Lenten Supper and Study Series which begins at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The study is focused on the Book of Common Prayer, the foundation of the Episcopal Church. Bring your family and friends. The evening will end by 8:00 pm. Saint Mark's Book Club will host the supper.  
Easter Lilies
Honor or memorialize your loved ones by making a generous gift to our Easter Lily Fund. These flowers will adorn our Altar and Church during the Easter Season as they stand in celebration of those who have touched our lives. If you would like to the names or your loved ones printed in the Easter Sunday bulletins, please email Kelly Harris, by Monday, April 4th.
Baptism – Easter Eve (4/16)
On Saturday, April 16 at 6:00 pm, Fr. Harvey will officiate The Great Vigil of Easter. The service will include baptisms. If you are interested in being baptized or want to have your child(ren) baptized, please contact; the Church Office at 954-563-5155. The Baptismal Candidate(s), Parent(s), and Godparent(s) are required to attend the rehearsal which will take place at 5:00 pm, followed by the service, in the church.
Holy Week and Easter – Looking Ahead (4/10 – 4/17)
Palm Sunday; April 10, services will begin with the traditional outdoor Blessing of the Psalms followed by a procession to the Church, prior to the 10:30 service. Maundy Thursday, 4/14, will have a very special service at 6:30 pm that will include the Washing of Feet. Good Friday, 4/15, will follow “The Good Friday Liturgy” referenced in The Book of Common Prayer. It begins at noon and will end at 3:00 pm. There will be natural breaks where people can come and go. Easter Eve, 4/16 Father Harvey will lead us in a Mass that will include baptism. Easter Sunday, 4/17, services at 8:00 and 10:30 am will be a Celebration of the Resurrection. At the 10:30 Service there will be a very special music component and “The Flowering of the Cross”. Following the 10:30 service there will be a joint our Saint Mark's School will be hosting the Easter Egg Hunt.
Understanding the Bible – Monday Evening (Zoom Study Series)
After Easter, Dr. Norm Carroll will be leading a Monday evening zoom class on understanding the Bible, based on his book Miracles, Messages & Metaphors, Unlocking the Wisdom of the Bible. This book is easy to read, inspirational, and full of information. The book sells for $16.95, but as a member or visitor to Saint Mark's you can have it without cost or whatever fits your budget. On the following Sundays, April 3rd and 10th, the book will be on a table at the rear of the Church.
Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News