A Message from our Rector,
Father Grant Wiseman
Dear Parish Family,
There is so much going on at Saint Mark’s. And I am excited by the energy that seems to be emanating from the congregation. Worship has been vibrant, and I am so grateful for the music that we have at both services. I encourage you to consider the many ministries that need rebuilding as we come out of COVID and the transition time. If you feel called to any of those ministries we will be glad to train you.
Over the next few weeks we will be planning opportunities to gather to help grow our relationships with each other and to find ways to welcome new people into our parish. I hope that we will see more young people as more and more parents are looking to come back to church.
Again, I encourage you to look at the website www.invitewelcomeconnect.com to begin to look at what some churches have done to create community and grow in faith.
Yours in Christ,
Grant +

Sunday’s Gospel: September 4
Luke 14:25-33: Our Priorities
Jesus: telling us to have family members and even our lives to be his disciples how can this be?  In the language culture, Jesus is really saying that discipleship is more important than family and even our lives. True discipleship totally outranks possessions, position, and power. Our problem is that we don’t really believe it. How often do we attend a class on Christ, visit the sick or lonely or donate until it hurts? Are we Christians famous for our compassion or do we fit nicely into a pagan society? In this Sunday’s reading from Jeremiah 18:1-11, Jeremiah speaks in the first proclamation of the Divine Potter transforming the clay. Our Father is trying to mold us, who are clay, into His children of love. Are we willing to be divinely shaped? (Norm Carroll)

Pantry of Broward – Monthly Food Collection (9/4)
Saint Mark’s Church collects food, on the first Sunday of the month for The Pantry of Broward. The cupboards are bare. This will be our fifth month of generous deliveries to the pantry of canned and boxed food donated by Saint Mark’s parishioners. They are very grateful for our support. Please drop your food donations in the box at the entrance of the church. Thank you for your generosity!
Saint Mark’s Chapter of The Episcopal Church Women Organizational Meeting – Beitha Mendez Parish Hall; 9;30 am (9/24)
The Saint Mark’s Chapter of the ECW is reactivating. As women members of the Episcopal Church, all women in every congregation in the diocese are members of the ECW and are invited to be active participants in the organization’s ministries. Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church Women are anxious to help Saint Mark’s Parish and our new Rector, Father Grant Wiseman, thrive. Officers will be discussed. Becky Fogelson is leading the meeting. Becky was a member of Saint Mark’s for many years, prior to joining St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. She was the president of Saint Martin’s Church for two years. We are so glad that she has rejoined Saint Mark’s and is willing to revitalize our ECW. Please contact Becky at oldfogey2@att.net if you have any questions.

A Message from Harry Richardson, Junior Warden
I am blessed to be a participant in both our Sunday services, and I’m recently seeing more of you in attendance, which I pray is a positive sign that we are on the path that God has set out for us to follow. I believe that path has all manner of opportunities outside the walls of our church where we might grow God’s kingdom. In this writing, though, I am still looking to fortify our foundation, the Sunday morning gatherings where we find solace, renewal, and a charge to convert faith into action.
Each Sunday requires certain roles to be filled or the service doesn’t take place. We have parishioners who know these roles well, but they are few in number. Each of them is more than happy to share their knowledge with anyone expressing a willingness to join their ministry. Please search your heart to see if God is calling you to assume one of these roles. 
USHER – ushers are often the first greeters to meet people when they visit Saint Mark’s. The ushers’ welcome and directions are the first impressions our guests have. They also hand out bulletins, pass the collection plates and guide communicants to the altar rail. Terry often ushers at the 10:30 service and will be happy to speak to anyone about ushering for either the 8:00 or 10:30 service. Contact Terry Gaw at tagaw@aol.com
ALTAR GUILD – care for the sacred vessels and linens and set up the altar prior to service. Contact Paula Green at paulamikenicole@yahoo.com or Lori McFadden at lori.mcfadden@gmail.com
LAY READER – proclaim the readings from the Bible, and lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Contact Jim Sentman at sentmanj@aol.com
LAY MINISTER – attend to the Priest during the preparation for the Eucharist and offer the cup to those at the altar rail. Contact Father Grant Wiseman at gwiseman@saintmarks.com
ACOLYTE – adults and youth are invited to serve as acolytes. After a training orientation acolytes serve in various roles at the altar during Sunday morning worship, and at other services as requested. Student acolytes earn community service hours. Contact Ryan Brukardt at ryan.brukardt@gmail.com
STREAMING SERVICE SUPPORT (10:30 only) – oversees the audio and video aspects of the service as it will appear to those joining us remotely. This is a great opportunity for student volunteers to earn community service hours. Contact Kelly Harris at kharris@saintmarks.com
If we are to continue to grow our presence in the pews on Sunday morning, you are needed to also grow our presence in these +supporting roles. If you are relatively new to our Parish, volunteering helps you get to know fellow parishioners and the life at St. Mark’s. God bless each of you, and those you love, Harry Richardson, Junior Warden.
The Christmas Boxes Ministry
Supporting the Seafarers at Port Everglades
It has been the tradition of Saint Mark’s Church and School to fill decorated shoe boxes with items the seafarers need. At this time, we are calling all knitters to knit hats, scarves, gloves, etc. Gail Cuthbertson has the patterns and can offer assistance. These warm gifts are greatly appreciated by the sailors. You can contact Gail Cuthbertson at aida_met@yahoo.com or 954-565-2614.

Thank You, Soloist, Michael Borosky
Last Sunday, August 28th, Michael Borosky sang “Stars” from Les Miserables. To hear this beautiful piece please click on the image (on the left).

Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark’s
Father Grant, our rector is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Grant at 954-334-0131, or by email at gwiseman@saintmarks.com.
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at: https://saintmarksftl.com/parish-news/

Got news to share? We’d love to receive your submission at: https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News.