A Message from our Rector,

Father Grant Wiseman

Dear Parish Family,

are seeing many new families and people attend our church as visitors. Many are looking for a new parish home. I want to encourage you to introduce yourselves and invite them to coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the service, along with walking with them to the Parish Hall. It is a great way to get to know them and show that you care enough to help them find their way. Be sure to ask them about themselves and make them feel like their story is important to you. Another way that you can witness to visitors is to offer to give them a tour of the sanctuary and ministry center. That allows you to tell them about the many wonderful things about Saint Mark’s. I encourage everyone to be a part of welcoming the strangers in our midst. They chose us for a reason on that given day, and we owe it to ourselves and them to be present to them because we are entertaining angels.

I want to thank everyone who has already added to our Meals for Caring. We have quite a few meals already. Feel free to come take one to deliver to anyone who may have that need and let them know that Saint Mark’s cares deeply about them. So many great things are happening at Saint Mark’s.

Yours in Christ,

Father Grant

Sunday’s Gospel; Matthew 18:15-20; WHY CHURCH? – 9/10

“Many say, “Spirituality, yes: church, no!” or “Jesus is my personal savior; I don’t need church!”. However, Jesus’ first decision was to gather sisters and brothers. Then he chose 12; then he sent out 72; finally, the risen Christ appeared to 120 at the first Pentecost, and 500 according to Paul. Jesus asserts the need for his disciples to follow Him in communion with each other. Jesus is asking us of Saint Mark’s to weep together, to rejoice together, and to pray together enroute to Christ. (Norm Carroll)

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Meeting – 9/9

Our meeting will be held this Saturday, September 9th in the Ministry Center at 10:00 am. We will be discussing the Annual Christmas Potluck Luncheon. Also more info to come regarding other things we could support. Please bring your ideas. I hope to see you all there. (Becky Fogleson)

Tuesdays Soup Dinners – Beginning 9/19

Mark your calendars! We will be having six Tuesday Night Dinners beginning September 19, 2023. Ministry groups will take turns providing the dinners. The first six-week session will occur on Tuesdays, September 19th, September 26th, October 3rd, October 10th, October 17th and October 24th. Possible topics for each session include; Biblical Studies (multi-week), History of the Episcopal (Anglican Church), Understanding Medicare, History of the Book of Common Prayer, Laundry Love, Growing an Engaged Church, and Introduction to the Episcopal Church. Stay tuned for details!

Junior Altar Guild!

Paula Green; paulamikenicole@yahoo.com), and Ryan Burkardt; ryan.brukardt@gmail.com are planning to initiate a Junior Altar Guild for the Sunday, 10:30 a.m. service. The members of the Junior Altar Guild will assist with the altar preparations before and after the service, plus ironing. Volunteering students will receive community service hours. We are looking forward to their participation in this service to the church!

From The Music Department!

As the Summer is more and more in the rear view mirror, we are preparing for the exciting Season ahead. The weekly Wednesday choir rehearsals will begin on September 20th. (6:30 pm to 8:00 pm). The choir is growing and all are looking forward to learning new and beautiful music. Over the Summer months, a time when most choirs take a break, this group of passionate musicians opted to sing every Sunday. I am personally moved by such dedication, and they have actually grown in numbers, as well as quality. Bravo! 

Last Sunday Michael Borosky, our resident staff tenor, sang a touching rendition of Schubert’s Ave Maria.

Throughout the year, and especially during the Summer months, I try to bring in guest soloists to give the Congregation an added taste in our musical banquet. This coming Sunday we will hear as our special soloist soprano Linda Zweig (pictured) who will sing the well known version of The Lord’s Prayer by Malotte. The Chancel Choir will sing a wonderful arrangement of Let my people go (Go Down Moses).

Gordon Roberts, Music Director

Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church

The Pantry of Broward Food Collection

Jim Sentman and Lori McFadden delivered this month’s donation drop off to The Pantry of Broward County, this past Tuesday. Many thanks to our congregation for the 500 pounds of food along with the school supplies last month! And a special thanks to Nancy Peirce for a lot of heavy lifting to assist! Our food drive continues; please remember to bring non-perishables on the first Sunday of every month. And yes, we accept donations anytime you remember!

Coffee Hour – Parish Hall

Our Sunday Coffee hour after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services have returned to the Parish Hall. Come and enjoy fellowship after the services. While there, browse the shelves at the north entrance for a book or two to take home to read. There are nonfiction and fiction books, adult and children’s books, and DVDs. There is no need to sign out. Gail Cuthbertson has graciously accepted the role of librarian. Come and see what is there!

Numbered Giving Envelopes – Now Available

If you have requested giving envelopes, please note that your numbered envelopes are located on the counter at the entrance of the church. Please remember to sign for your envelopes, as they are registered in our Realm giving system. If you did not order envelopes, but would like to receive a set of envelopes, please contact Kelly Harris (kharris@saintmarks.com).

Let’s Stay in Touch

We are continuing to make an effort to keep our contact records up to date. If you are new to Saint Mark’s, or if any of your contact information has changed, please let us know! Simply fill out the blue card that can be found in the pew rack with your current contact information, and either place it in the collection plate, or hand it to an usher. Also, you can send your information to Ken Arruda, Junior Warden at kenarruda@comcast.net at your earliest convenience.

Name Tags

We are encouraging everyone to wear their name tags! If you would like a Saint Mark’s name badge or need a replacement (or a second card to keep in your car!), please see an usher and your card will be ready for next Sunday. If you would like your ministry affiliation to be displayed on the tag (e.g., Choir, Guild, ECW, etc.), please let us know. Also, you may reach out to Ken Arruda, Junior Warden at kenarruda@comcast.net, and he will receive your request.

Daughters of the King (DOK) – Prayer Requests

Saint Mark’s Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women who are called to pray for concerns in our parish. If you have a special request for prayers please fill out a card in the pew rack and place it in the black lock box located in the South Chapel, or you may reach out to Mindy Hardial, DOK Chapter President at mindyedsall@gmail.com, or Billie Hairston at bchair@bellsouth.net. All requests for prayers are handled confidentially, and must be placed in the black lock box instead of the Sunday’s offering collection plates.

Important Links to our Activities Calendar and Sign-Up to Receive Our Weekly Email Newsletter

Our church web address is www.saintmarksftl.com. To view up-to-date, easy-to-read church and school schedules of meetings and activities CLICK HERE, this is a very useful tool. If you want to receive the weekly Parish Newsletter via email please sign up at https://saintmarksftl.com/#subscribenow and complete the Constant Contact form located on the right side of the web page. If you are interested submitting an article to our weekly Parish Newsletter email dorothyseibert@comcast.net

Congregational Care at Saint Mark’s
While there are certainly times where a priest is the appropriate caregiver, or perhaps is someone specifically requested, the responsibility for ‘the love and care of one another’ is bestowed on each of us by baptism and commandment, and not by ordination. Congregational care is provided when faithful people are present and listening compassionately while the faith of others is being tested; and also, when we can utilize our ‘spiritual’ gifts and acquired skills to address someone’s ‘temporal’ needs. In so doing, we are preaching, practicing, and personifying Christ’s unconditional love. If God has placed upon your heart a desire to grow this ministry, please seek out a member of your Vestry and share your thoughts on how best to proceed, and how you can contribute.
Father Grant can be reached by email at gwiseman@saintmarks.com, or at 954-334-0131. Our congregation can be reached by contacting the church office . . . seeking your input.
We invite you to post on our church website blog, https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/, which helps us keep up with the sharing of information. All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News.