Thank You for the Wonderful Juneteenth Coffee Hour!
We are so appreciative of the delicious and bountiful coffee hour hosted by Gracia Marjeen Curlee-Gordon with the assistance of Betty Robinson. Gracia’s grandchildren, Kailey and Kahleed Gordon presented impressive visual displays and computer presentations on the history and importance of Juneteenth. Kailey and Kahleed are also acolytes at our 10:30 service. Their gifts helped to bring the Saint Mark’s Community even closer together.  
Saint Mark’s Book Club (6/23)
The Book Club is having summer Zoom discussions. This Thursday, June 23, at noon we will be discussing The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher. If you need the Zoom link information please contact Terry Gaw at The book for July 28th is Behind Closed Doors by B. A. Paris.
Next Sunday’s Gospel; Luke 9:51-62 (6/26)
We journey every day to work, school, church, and store, but our greatest journey remains our life-long struggle to Christ. Today’s Gospel recalls the Samaritansrejection of Jesus as he journeys to Calvary and the garden of the resurrection. Jesus refuses vengeance upon the Samaritans and rebukes his own disciples and all who seek revenge. Daily, we encounter varied misunderstandings, abuse, and hostility. Jesus calls us of Saint Mark’s to forgive and forget: to decide now to turn our life journey into living the goals, motives, and lifestyle of Christ: to walk in his sandals. (Norm Carroll)
Summer Choir; 10:30 Services
If you ever thought of joining the choir, summer is the time to do it! We want you!!! We sing very familiar hymns in the summer. Come on over for a big welcome!

Important Dates of Transition at Saint Mark the Evangelist
As the date of arrival of our next Rector, Father Grant Wiseman, approaches, plans are taking shape for his investiture service and for completion of the transition from the interim period between Rectors, to a bright future under his leadership. Please mark your calendar and join us for each of the following events:
Thursday, July 14, 2022; 7 pm
Institution Service for our next Rector, Father Grant Wiseman in our Church with Bishop Eaton presiding. Followed by a “meet and greet” gathering in the Beitha Mendez Parish Hall.
Sunday, July 31, 2022; 9:30 am in Saint Mark’s Church
Final service with our interim priests, Father Sonley Joseph and Father Errol Harvey presiding together for a single service on July 31. Followed by a farewell gathering in the Beitha Mendez Parish hall with food and beverage provided for the entire congregation.
Sunday, August 7, 2022; 9:30 am
First Service with Father Grant Wiseman presiding for another single-service Sunday, an opportunity for our whole congregation to worship together. Followed by a welcome gathering in the Beitha Mendez Parish Hall with food and beverage provided.
Pantry of Broward – Thank you and Back-to-School
In the last three months, Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church has delivered over 120 pounds of canned and boxed food to the Pantry of Broward. The staff at the pantry and all the clients are greatly appreciative of our congregation’s generosity. In addition to canned and boxed food, we will also be accepting school supplies from the list below. Let’s all help to start the school year off right, bringing joy and happiness to the children and grandchildren of Broward County who need these important tools to help them in their classes. Thank you very much, Kirk and Charles Baran-Bookman for leading these efforts!
Suggested school supply items:
Crayons, washable markers, ink pens/colored pencils, loose-leaf paper, composition books, glue/glue sticks, scissors, erasers, Kleenex boxes, binders, backpacks, pencil boxes, calculators, white-out, hand sanitizer, protractors, or gift cards from Office Depot, Office Max, Target, Payless Shore Store.
The official collection is on the first Sunday of the month, July 3rd. Many of us travel over the July 4th long weekend. Feel free to bring your items ahead of time if you will not be attending our church services on July 3rd. Thank you for your generous support!

Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark’s
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:

Got news to share? We’d love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News.