A Message from our Rector,
Father Grant Wiseman
Dear Parish Family,
I am grateful to everyone who attended the first Family First Saturday event. I look forward to those events growing as the months continue. We will be having the sign-up for the Wednesday Night Dinner programs that will begin on October 12, 2022, at 5:45 pm. We are asking people to sign up either online or by leaving a message with the church by Thursday at noon (that will be the deadline for each week prior to next week’s program). That way the kitchen staff can order the food we need for the event. The first program will be about the Realm software we use for our communications, scheduling, and pledging programs. Please bring either your smartphone, laptop, or iPad so that we can help you set up your profile and we can show you how to use the app and upload your photo to the directory. We are working on the schedule of events for the next several weeks. The Wednesday Night Dinners will be a five-week program.
If you are looking for ways to support the clean-up efforts following the hurricanes that have hit both Puerto Rico and much of our state, one of the better charities around is the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund (https://www.episcopalrelief.org). You can choose where your money goes to support those in need.
There are so many exciting things happening at our church and school. The dedication of the Sea Lab is coming up on the 14th at 9:00 am and Octoberfest is the following day. We will also have some people who will be attending training for Invite Welcome Connect in Miami that same day. We look forward to bringing back many ideas for how we can integrate more people into the ministries of the church. I am so excited for all the opportunities that are before us.
Yours in Christ,
Grant +
Fall Wednesday Nights; Catered Dinner (10/12)
The Fall weekly Wednesday night dinners will start October 12, 2022 and run through November 2, 2022. RSVP by noon tomorrow, Thursday, October 6, with number of attendees. By clicking on the green “Click Here to Register Now!” on the picture you can reserve and pay for your dinners. Under Fund it will say Pledge/Donation/General Fund. Scroll down on the Fund Arrow. The last entry is Fall Weekly Dinner. You can also email Kelly Harris at kharris@saintmarks.com. Let’s all get together and enjoy a delicious dinner and each other’s company! 
Blessing of the Animals (10/2)
Father Grant blessed furred and feathered friends at the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services. The animals were very well behaved and their presence elicited smiles and feelings of love. View more photos here!
Sunday’s Gospel: 10/9
Luke 17:11-19: Thank You, Dearest
A leprous foreigner in this Sunday’s Gospel! Who could be more despised? Yet, Jesus heals him and his buddies physically. He alone returns to Jesus with gratitude, and gains spiritual health, Christ has gifted us with life, community, and faith; but do we return to thank Him by rising from the leprosy in our lives? But where do we find Christ to thank Him? Surely, in every person and circumstance. Dear ones, I thank you for your presence and goodness. Let’s together try to live more deeply our thanks for Christ in each other. Even though distant, listen for today’s words from Jesus: “Rise; go your way! Your faith has made your well.” (Norm Carroll)
Oktoberfest – Cake Walk (10/15)
Our Church has traditionally organized and ran the famous Oktoberfest Cake Walk. Our goal is to provide 35-40 cakes, cookies, brownies, pies or any dessert you would be willing to donate. This very popular activity for our church will take place on Saturday, October 15. If you are willing to donate baked goods, please contact our church office at 954-563-5155. Desserts may be dropped off in the church office on Friday, October 14 or delivered to the Lower School Music Room, located in the gym by 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 15. The cake walk will begin at approximately 4 pm.
Let Us All Pray Together Daily
Father Grant has a daily prayer blog with which he starts each morning. He shares this with all who would like to pray together at www.atwinfather.com. When you go to the prayer of the day, there is an option to receive the daily prayer in your email inbox so that you don’t have to type it in every day.
From Our Choir
At the 10:30 service, accompanied by Gordon Roberts, the choir sang this song. To view the performance click on the image (left).
Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark’s
Father Grant, our rector is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Grant at 954-334-0131, or by email at gwiseman@saintmarks.com.
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at: https://saintmarksftl.com/parish-news/
Got news to share? We’d love to receive your submission at: https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News.