The Altar Guild is like a band of angels that serve God humbly with much laughter and joy! It can also be a quiet and often solitary ministry in our church that offers contemplative time with God.

The men and women of the Altar Guild care for the holy vessels, vestments, and other items for worship. Our main function is to set the table for Our Lord and our Brothers and Sisters in Christ at the service that we attend. We assist with all services, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, memorial services, and the special services during Advent, Lent, and Holy Week.  This is a lay ministry of dedicated parishioners and an avenue to meeting new people when you join a church. We hope to team up past and future members, and develop a rotating schedule so you will only need to arrive early and stay a few minutes after your usual service once or twice a month.

Please join Karen & Harry Richardson, Paula Green, and Lori McFadden between services on Sunday, September 19th, for Altar Guild training and renewal for past members. This is such a simple and satisfying way to serve God and His People!