Valentine's Rose Exchange – 2/13
On the day before Valentine's Day there will be a rose exchange at both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. The roses will be provided. Valentine's Day is about love and caring.
Exchanging multihued roses is a wonderful way of remembering love in its many forms.
James Hairston's Celebration of Life – 2/26
You're invited to join us on Saturday, February 26 at 11:00 am in the church. Additional details will be sent in an email to all of our parishioners.
Lent and Easter at Saint Mark's
The Lenten season begins on March 2nd (Ash Wednesday). Our Priests, Vestry, Music Director, and Lent/Easter Committee Members are planning a meaningful spiritual journey for all who attend. There will be a Lenten Study Series on Tuesday evenings, Monday morning prayers on the beach, worship services on the holiest days and events in partnership with Saint Mark's school. We will share more details as the plans unfold!
Baptisms – Easter Eve – 4/16
If you are interested in being Baptized or want to have your children baptized, please contact the Church Office at 954-563-5155. A baptism rehearsal will be scheduled in advance of the baptism(s). The baptismal candidate(s), parents(s), and godparents are required to attend the rehearsal. More detailed information will follow.
Choir Rehearsal – Wednesdays
If you want to listen to church music, or are thinking of participating in the choir, our choir rehearsals are open to everyone. Come between services when the choir rehearses from 9:30 to 10:25 am, or drop in on Wednesdays between 6:45- 8:45 pm. If enough visitors attend Dr. Estes will provide a brief analysis of the music.  
Show Me The Way: February 6th Anthem
By Charles Gilchrist, who was the Director of the North Carolina Central University choir for 28 years. His choir performed throughout the USA, including Carnegie Hall and the JFK Center for the Performing Arts. Our choir is a performing this rockin' and rollin' gospel song with a jaunty melodic line to salute Charles Gilchrist during Black History month.  
Audio/Visual Committee
If you have interest and/or expertise in the Audio/Visual/Tech area please contact Kirk Bookman; (, who is chairing the committee to enhance our
audio/visual experience.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at:
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at:
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News