Celebration of Life – James Hairston (2/26)
Join us this Saturday, February 26 at 11:00 am to celebrate the life of long time parishioner Jim Hairston. Jim has served as a Vestry Member and our Parish Treasurer. A reception will be held in the Parish Hall following the Service. This service will also be live-streamed and recorded on our parish YouTube channel.
10:30 am – Church Service Music Highlight (2/27)
This Sunday, there will be a guest violinist and trumpet player performance during the Sanctus (from Requiem) by Gabriel Faure. A French composer, organist, and piano teacher, who was one of the foremost French composers of his generation whose musical style influenced many 20th Century composers.
Mondays' Lenten Evening Prayer – Mondays (2/28 – 4/4)
via Zoom with Dr. Norm Carroll
This Monday, February 28, Dr. Norm Carroll will lead a zoom discussion on this Sunday's Gospel: Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a), The TransfigurationParishioners will receive an email each Monday afternoon with instructions for joining the zoom meeting. The discussion begins at 7:00 pm.
Ash Wednesday – (3/2)
Ash Wednesday is a week away. Saint Mark's Church and School will provide five opportunities for you to be anointed with ashes. There will be an 8 am, school chapel service with Chaplain Robyn Neville. All are invited. Father Harvey will preside over the Imposition of Ashes services at noon and 6:30 pm, also being held in the church. Plus “Ashes to Go” will be available during lower school drop off and middle school pick up. Please contact Harry Richardson at harry_richardson@bellsouth.net if you are available to assist with “Ashes to Go”.
Lenten Soup/Salad and Study Series – Tuesday Evenings (3/8 – 4/5)
Father Harvey will be leading us in our Lenten Study Series which begins with a soup and salad dinner at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. The Study will be focused on the Book of common Prayer. The richness and beauty of the Book of Common Prayer is the foundation of the Episcopal Church. It can help us find comfort, peace and renewal when used in our daily lives. The evening will end by 8:00 pm.
Holy Week and Easter (4/10 – 4/17)
We will have special services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, baptismal service on Easter Eve, and Easter Sunday Service. Details to follow. As there was for our Christmas service, there will be special music at these special services. If you would like to sing with the choir during these services or help with the planning, please contact one of the leads of our Worship and Music Team; Robin Dreyfuss, robindreyfuss@gmail.com, or Mike Mullins, Mmullins10@aol.com.
Lay-Led Pastoral Care
Dr. Norm Carroll is taking on the reboot of our ministry team, focused on nursing homes, assisted living facilities team, parishioners and anyone else needing access to spiritual care. If you are interested in helping with this important Saint Mark's ministry outreach please contact Norm Carroll at nbc10@bellsouth.net.
Rector Search Update
The work of the parish Rector Search Committee continues. Some parishioners have been concerned because they have not heard much. The Rector search is a very discrete process in the Episcopal Church. What can be shared is that the committee received the first slate of vetted applicants some time ago. The committee conducted zoom interviews and started our reviews. However, there is an oversized demand for clergy compared to supply. By the time we got our slate, the top candidates were either taken or well into negotiation with other parishes. The time delay has been addressed. Our current posting has not generated a good response, thus the Vestry, in coordination with the Search Committee, approved a 20% increase in our posted salary and extended the closing of our post to March 31. We should have our vetted applicants to us soon after. The committee is now experienced in the interview process and can move swiftly. Have faith. The search for the next Saint Mark's Rector is quietly continuing. 
Daughters of the King Installation/Congratulations to Giselle Dorsett and Lori McFadden!
Giselle Dorsett and Lori McFadden were installed into the Order of the Daughters of the King during this past Sunday's 10:30 service. The Order is committed to prayer and service. The new members were presented by the Saint Mark's Chapter President, Mindy Hardial. Father Errol Harvey conducted the ceremony. Saint Mark's Daughters and Margaret Dunstan, Southeast Florida DOK Diocesan Assembly President, joined in the welcoming and support of Giselle and Lori.
In Appreciation!
Thank you to Kirk Bookman (Chair Audio/Visual Committee), Chuck Gregory, and Harry Richardson for helping to enrich our in person and on line worship experience with enhancements to our audio and video systems.
Thank you to George Howell for painting the choir's new risers.
To the Daughters of the King not only for their service, but for the beautiful lunch they served after the 10:30 service, this past Sunday.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at eahnyc@yahoo.com.
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at: https://saintmarksftl.com/parishnews/
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at: https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News