Daylight Savings Time – Begins 3/13
Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 13, at 2:00 am. Please remember to set your clock an hour ahead, before you go to bed, Saturday night to be sure you make it to Church on time! 
Lenten Monday Evening Bible Study – Mondays (3/14 – 3/28)
via Zoom with Dr. Norm Carroll
This Monday, March 7, Dr. Norm Carroll will lead a zoom discussion on this Sunday's Luke 13:31-35, Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem. Parishioners will receive an email each Monday afternoon with instructions for joining the zoom meeting. The discussion begins at 7:00 pm.
Tuesday Evenings Supper and Lenten Series (3/15 – 4/5)
The first soup and study series! Thank you Vestry for the bountiful array of delicious soups, salad and dessert. Thank you Father Harvey for leading us in the Stations of the Cross and a brief history of the Book of Common prayer.
On Tuesday, March 15, Father Harvey will continue to lead us in our Lenten Supper and Study Series which begins at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The Study will be focused on the Book of Common Prayer. The richness and beauty of the Book of Common Prayer is the foundation of the Episcopal Church. It can help us find comfort, peace and renewal when used in our daily lives. While the focus of the study sessions is The Book of Common Prayer, each lesson stands alone, so if you miss an evening, you won't be behind for the next session. Bring your family and friends. The evening will end by 8:00 pm. Saint Mark's School is hosting the supper, and will serve a family favorite, spaghetti dinner.
Sunday's Music Anthem – 10:30 Service (3/13)
This Sunday's Anthem, is Ralph Vaughn Williams' Antiphon – Let All the World in Every Corner Sing, one of his famous Five Mystical Songs. Vaughn was an English Composer who lived from 1872 to 1958. He was much influenced by English Folk Songs. His works are known for their emotion and “moodiness”.   
Holy Week and Easter (4/10 – 4/17)
We will have special services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Baptismal service on Easter Eve, and Easter Sunday Service. If you would like to sing with the choir during these services or help with the planning, please contact one of the leads of our Worship and Music Team; Robin Dreyfuss, robindreyfuss@gmail.com, or Mike Mullins, Mmullins10@aol.com.
Baptism – Easter Eve (4/16)
If you are interested in being Baptized or want to have your children Baptized, please contact the Church Office at 954-563-5155. A Baptism rehearsal will be scheduled in advance of the Baptism(s). The Baptismal Candidate(s), Parent(s), and Godparent(s) are required to attend the rehearsal. Please note that we have baptismal forms in the acrylic racks located on either side of the counters, at the entrance of the church.
Snack Bags for the Homeless – Saint Mark's School
Thank you Saint Mark's School for providing over 100 snack bags for the homeless, adding to those that were prepared by our Saint Mark's Guild has prepared. Chaplain Robyn led students in this endeavor. This is an example of the Church and School working together to help others.
Volunteer to Join Our Audio/Visual Team
If you have an interest or experience in the Audio/Visual /Tech, please contact; Kirk Bookman (kbookman@aol.com) The parish has upgraded its audio/visual experience for both in-person and live-streaming church communities. More improvements are on the way. This is also a great opportunity for volunteering students to earn community service hours. No experience is necessary, as we will assist you in the training process. Just bring your willingness to learn!
Stewardship Kick-Off – March 20
Stay tuned. Our Stewardship Kickoff is March 20! and the campaign will run until April 24. Expect some fun events. Your Stewardship Leaders are Robin Dreyfuss and Ryan Brukardt.
Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Helping Ukraine
The Episcopal Church has an Episcopal Relief and Development outreach. Contributions will help people fleeing the violence in Ukraine by providing cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needed assistance to Ukrainian refugees. The web page is https://www.episcopalrelief.org/press-resources/press-releases/2022-press-releases/supporting-humanitarian-response-to-the-crisis-in-ukraine/  
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at eahnyc@yahoo.com.
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at: https://saintmarksftl.com/parishnews/
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at: https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News