When Visitors Become Family
Sometime last fall Lenny, Becky, and Jeannie showed up at Saint Mark's 8 am service. We had just recently reconstituted the coffee hour, so we got a chance to know them a little better. All three had been members at St. Martin's and needed a new church home. Before long we met Sue & Lola. Marie began coming early for coffee hour, before the 10:30 service. Then we met Marilyn and Sherry and her husband, all delightful people.
Turns out Lenny & Becky were married at Saint Mark's when the Parish Hall was the church; Becky's family were charter members. Sue has joined our Daughters of the King chapter after three years as a Daughter at Large. Everyone looks out for Lola, Sue's darling dachshund (whatever Lola wants…) Becky is interested in getting our ECW going again and Marie has joined the book club. And Marie is greeted at the coffee hour each week like Norm at Cheers: “MARIE!!” God has truly blessed us with these wonderful souls to inspire and help us all in our journey! We are so grateful for these new members of the Saint Mark's Family!!
Stewardship Kick-Off – This Sunday (3/20)
Stewardship is so Important to the Life of Our Church
Our goals for this year include embracing a new Rector, continuing the wonderful music program, reserving funds for maintenance of our facilities, and kicking off some ambitious programs of fellowship and outreach. We need your pledge for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2022.
Saint Mark's Guild Meeting – Thursday (3/17) – Fr. Harvey, Guest Speaker
The Guild will meet at 12:00 noon in the Parish Hall for a pot luck lunch and speaker. Father Harvey will be addressing the group.  
Lenten Monday Evening Bible Study – Mondays (3/14 – 3/28)
via Zoom with Dr. Norm Carroll
This Monday, March 7, Dr. Norm Carroll will lead a zoom discussion on this Sunday's Luke 13:31-35, Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem. Parishioners will receive an email each Monday afternoon with instructions for joining the zoom meeting. The discussion begins at 7:00 pm.
Tuesday Evenings Supper and Lenten Series (3/22 – 4/5)
Thank you Saint Mark's Episcopal School for the Spaghetti dinner! We appreciate your supporting our Lenten Supper and Study Series. On Tuesday, March 22, Father Harvey will continue to lead us in our Lenten Supper and Study Series which begins at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall. The Study will be focused on the Book of Common Prayer. The richness and beauty of the Book of Common Prayer is the foundation of the Episcopal Church. It can help us find comfort, peace and renewal when used in our daily lives. While the focus of the study sessions is The Book of Common Prayer, each lesson stands alone, so if you miss an evening, you won't be behind for the next session. Bring your family and friends. The evening will end by 8:00 pm. The Daughters of the King will host the supper.
Sunday's Music Anthem – 10:30 Service (3/20)
Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks
Pierluigi Palestrina composed this anthem based on Psalm 42:1. It was written in Latin with the title “Sicut Servus”. Palestrina was considered the “culmination of Renaissance polyphony” . . . and of Renaissance counterpoint. You will hear this in the anthem, which is quite a round of voices! The song was ACTUALLY used for the theme for the television series “Fear the Walking Dead”. Did that get your attention?!
Easter Lilies
Honor or memorialize your loved ones by making a generous gift to our Easter Lily Fund. These flowers will adorn our Altar and Church during the Easter Season as they stand in celebration of those who have touched our lives. If you would like to the names or your loved ones printed in the Easter Sunday bulletins, please email Kelly Harris, kharris@saintmarks.com by Monday, April 4th.
Holy Week and Easter (4/10 – 4/17)
We will have special services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Baptismal service on Easter Eve, and Easter Sunday Service. If you would like to sing with the choir during these services or help with the planning, please contact one of the leads of our Worship and Music Team; Robin Dreyfuss, robindreyfuss@gmail.com, or Mike Mullins, Mmullins10@aol.com.
Baptism – Easter Eve (4/16)
On Saturday, April 16 at 6:00 pm, the service will be highlighted with the lighting of the Pascal candle, baptism and the first Eucharist of Easter. If you are interested in being baptized or want to have your child(ren) baptized, please contact; the Church
Office at 954-563-5155. The Baptismal Candidate(s), Parent(s), and Godparent(s) are required to attend the rehearsal which will take place at 5:00 pm, followed by the service, in the church.
Volunteer to Join Our Audio/Visual Team
If you have an interest or experience in the Audio/Visual /Tech, please contact; Kirk Bookman (kbookman@aol.com) The parish has upgraded its audio/visual experience for both in-person and live-streaming church communities. More improvements are on the way. This is also a great opportunity for volunteering students to earn community service hours. We will assist you in the training process. Just be eager to learn!
Face Mask in Church – Optional
Now that the cases of COVID have thankfully abated, wearing a facial mask is encouraged, but not required. Please respect the space of those who choose to be more cautious.
Pastoral Care at Saint Mark's
Our priest-in-residence, Fr. Errol Harvey is currently available to provide pastoral care for our parish. You may contact Fr. Harvey at 917-653-8839, or by email at eahnyc@yahoo.com.
Please check for our parish updates on the church website at: https://saintmarksftl.com/parishnews/
Got news to share? We'd love to receive your submission at: https://saintmarksftl.com/submit-post/
All information will be reviewed and considered for posting on the church website, Facebook page, and Instagram, as well as in this Parish News