Following the unexpected passing of a cherished member of our Saint Mark’s family, Roosevelt Penagos, a Celebration of Life service was held this past Tuesday (Oct 5th). The service was beautifully crafted, and led by our school chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Robyn Neville, who was assisted by our Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Errol Harvey. It was wonderful to see our pews and side chapels filled to near capacity … a fitting tribute to the impact Roosevelt had on those who had the privilege to know and/or work with him.

The service was livestreamed and you can watch it here:

To a person, everyone he met felt their spirits uplifted simply by his countenance. The ability to convey the love of God without uttering a word is a gift granted to only a few, but Roosevelt possessed it, and shared it generously with all. My prayer is that Roosevelt’s interpretation of ‘love one another as He has loved us’, will come to inspire our entire Saint Mark’s community to mimic him in all of our relationships, and that his role in God’s plan for our church and school will live long in our memories, and will be passed along to our successors.

Roosevelt leaves behind his wife, Angela, his children Julian, Bryanna, and Isabella, and sisters, nieces, and nephews. Please lift them up in prayer as they try to come to terms with their loss, and attempt to discern the future God now has planned for each of them without Roosevelt by their side. Pray also that they can see past their grief and take some measure of comfort that Roosevelt is now blessed with an incomprehensible peace, wellness, and joy that accompanies fellowship with the Saints and eternal life in God’s heavenly kingdom and presence.

Roosevelt, may you rest is peace, and with our redeemer Jesus Christ, rise with Him in eternal glory … Amen