St Mark’s Church had a wonderful booth at the St Mark’s Back to School Picnic! What an event!

It was on the grass soccer field of the school Friday night the 27th of August,  and was absolutely chock full of St. Mark’s families- running children and loud music. We had the most popular table by far! Mostly because it was stocked with candy and cookies. But each child and parent left with a flyer about Sunday School or other Church events.

Many vestry members attended and I want to thank each and every one. What a PR job! You were great! Thank you Harry Richardson, Chuck Gregory, Giselle Dorsett, Lynne Coughlin, Tracy Beeson, Norm Carroll, and of course Sarah Ransdell, who is not a vestry member but was a mighty force with her colored crosses and God’s eye craft.  So this was our practice run for St Mark’s Octoberfest! Thank heavens that is in… October! Thank you everyone it was amazing. Robin Dreyfuss, Vestry