
By |July 19th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from the Vestry Summer is in full swing, and Fr. Grant is taking some well-deserved vacation time to renew and recharge. So, we thought that this was a good opportunity for Mike Mullins; [...]


By |July 13th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman It has been a year since Heather and I moved to Fort Lauderdale, and it has been an incredible year. Finally, we have learned the traffic rules [...]


By |June 28th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman As we celebrate our 70th anniversary as a church on July 5th, I think about the foundation of a faithful journey that began with a morning prayer [...]


By |June 16th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit [...]


By |May 31st, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman Dear Parish Family, It is with sadness that I am writing to share the loss of the last of the puppies that we bottle-fed from their second [...]


By |May 25th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman Dear Parish Family, I love Pentecost. It is the one day that the church is unified and in spite of many differences understands one another. My hope [...]


By |May 17th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman Dear Parish Family, As we move towards the end of the Easter Season we celebrate first the Feast of the Ascension and then the Feast of Pentecost. This [...]


By |May 11th, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman Dear Parish Family, I have been so encouraged by the vestry members who have been presenting the Next Six. The work we do this next few months will be [...]


By |May 3rd, 2023|Parish Weekly|

A Message from our Rector, Father Grant Wiseman Dear Parish Family, As we move toward summer, we know that many in our parish will be headed north and our services will have some lower attendance. We [...]

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