I already considered myself a prayer warrior before I knew about Daughters of the King. When my husband went into septic shock almost ten years ago, all I could do was pray. The doctors did what they could, but their capabilities were limited. It was prayer that got him through it, got me through it, and it changed my life thereafter.

When I think about the Daughters of the King, I think about prayer. I believe that prayer, especially using our collective energy to praise and petition God, is the most powerful tool we have in this life. I had made three requests for prayer before joining the DOK; two turned out exactly as I’d hoped. The third did not, and I later realized what a blessing that was. God always answers our prayers, His plan is always best.

If you are a woman who loves to pray, please pray about Daughters of the King. DOK is not a club or social group. We take a vow of prayer, service and evangelism. We pray daily for those who ask. We commit to a rule of life. We support each other. We have thousands of sisters all over the world, praying for and working toward God’s plan. If you are interested in making a commitment to prayer, please reach out to our chapter president, Mindy Hardial, or any of us members. You can spot us by the cross we wear, For His Sake. We can plan for a series of discernment classes for those seriously considering joining us. You can submit prayer requests with the forms in the pews, just drop it in the box behind our banner, or email stmarkDOK@gmail.com.

Prayer can work miracles, it brings peace, it lifts you up. Let us know if we can pray for you or someone you love. And KEEP PRAYING!