Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church urges parishioners to take an active role in stewardship to preserve and enhance the future of our parish.

Stewardship in the context of our church is a rich and exciting topic. We believe that all are called to protect and grow our church by:

  • Responsible Management of our Resources
  • Using our Personal Time and Skills to Benefit Our Church
  • Donating Generously to the Financial Health of Our Parish

Many of us think of Stewardship as a once a year Campaign, but there is far more to this prayerful expression of our faith.

Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church asks that all parishioners prayerfully consider their financial support. Your financial support of the work and ministry of Saint Mark’s is the vital link between the present and the future.

All of us are responsible for Saint Mark’s. It’s not just the Clergy, the Vestry, or the Staff; it’s the People. All the People. The Parishioners.

Please consider making a gift as part of your faith and commitment to Christ Jesus. We’ve added new and easier ways to pledge and give online as well as with the traditional pledge cards and collection plates.

A pledge is more than a sign or a symbol; it is actually a sacrifice you make, not for Saint Mark’s, but for the Lord. A pledge is bigger than a Church; it may be used by the Church, but it is given to God. Please make this important act of giving a part of your membership in this church! No gift is insignificant!

We also urge you to participate in one or more of our ministries, and to share your ideas about our church. What can we do better? What can you do to help others as part of your membership in Saint Mark’s?

We have had a rough couple of years, dealing with transitions in leadership at the same time as everyone had to stay home due to Covid-19. Help us to emerge from crisis with a new sense of community and a stronger appreciation of God’s Work with us, in us, and through us.