We Serve

Altar Guild: Setting God’s Table
The Altar Guild invites men, women, and families to join this sacred ministry. Their task is to prepare the altar for Sunday, Weekday Services, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and all other services. The Altar Guild attends the clergy vestments, fair linens, candle tapers, and altar silver. The Altar Guild invites the Parish to “green” the Church in December, and to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday, and to clean the church for Easter.

Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM): Serving God’s People
The LEMs serve as Sub-Deacons and Chalice Bearers during our Holy Eucharist services. The Sub-Deacon reads the second lesson that is usually an epistle (letter) from St. Paul, St. James, St. John, St. Peter and the Books of Acts.

Lector and Intercessor: Reading and Praying God’s Words
The Lector reads the first lesson from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and at the 8 am service also leads the psalm responsively. The Intercessor reads to the congregation from the Prayers of the People.

Pew Guild: Caring for God’s House
Volunteers straighten the Book of Common Prayer and Hymnals in the pew racks, straighten the back counters, report any repairs needed to the office and prepare the Church for Sunday Services.

Usher: Offering Hospitality to God’s People
The Lector reads the first lesson from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. The Intercessor reads to the congregation from the Prayers of the People.

Ladies, gentleman, and families are invited to serve as Ushers. Ushers offer hospitality by welcoming members, visitors, and guests. Ushers provide everyone with an Order of Service Bulletin. Ushers provide whatever assistance is needed during the service, collect and present alms and offerings, invite two people per family to present the elements to the Celebrant, assist the Clergy, and invite worshippers to the altar rail for Holy Communion. Two Ushers along with the Vestry Greeter count the offering during the service.