Christmas at Saint Mark’s is always joyous, but this year was exceptional.

On Christmas Eve, late afternoon, we had a Paper Bag Pageant – attendees were handed a paper bag with costume and props, and the bulletin included instructions about when they should stand up and what they should do. It was great fun and a huge success, and we look forward to doing it again next year. Special thanks to Ryan Brukhardt for stage managing since many of us don’t follow written instructions all that well… 😉

We had a single ‘smells and bells’ service at 7:30 on Christmas Eve, with glorious music to go with the wonderful experience of formal Eucharist. Our guest violinist and several singers added to the choir made for an amazing evening of music.

The musical celebration continued on Christmas Day with fantastic solo performances and a great anthem from the choir. What a fantastic way to close out 2022.

Thanks to all who participated in this joyous season at Saint Mark’s. Here are some pictures.