Approximately six years ago the St. Mark’s Guild began the ministry of providing
nutritious finger food for the homeless population in our area. Members of the
Guild shop for food items every 3 months or so and then proceed to stuff
approximately 120-180 plastic bags for distribution. These food bags usually
contain peanut butter, crackers, apple sauce, protein bars, Slim Jims, granola bars,
a drink, various sucking candies, and as of late a disposable face mask.
The bags are placed at the rear entrance of the church in 2 bins. Each bin contains
a donation jar as well. We ask for a $2.00 donation per bag. This money is turned
in to the St. Mark’s office. The office then reimburses the buyer of the food bag
I personally find it to be very rewarding to share the spirit of St. Mark’s with our
less fortunate neighbors. It has been my experience that panhandlers at red
traffic lights are very thankful for the food and most look pleasantly surprised a
receiving them.
Please consider sharing a few nutrition bags with our neighbors.
-Ed Abdale