Parish News

Heartfelt Thanks from Chuck Gregory

It’s been quite a ride. I came to Saint Mark’s in 2014 when the Church of the Intercession closed, at the suggestion of Father Fred Johnson. He thought I might enjoy singing in the choir…

Little did I know that I’d end up so involved with the church, finding friends […]

By |January 24th, 2023|Categories: Parish News|

Spectacular Service with Our New Rector!

After a three-year wait, St Mark the Evangelist welcomed a new pastor this Sunday! The entire congregation turned out for a single service at 9:30 to celebrate with Father Grant Wiseman. What a joyful service! The energy was definitely high and we were thrilled to see some familiar faces […]

By |August 7th, 2022|Categories: Parish News|

A fantastic investiture service for Fr. Grant Wiseman

Retrospective on the institution service ….
After much anticipation, our church community, the Bishop, Canons, and other representatives of the Diocese, and clergy from neighboring parishes, all came together this past Thursday evening to make official the installation of our next Rector, Father Grant Wiseman. This service is described as […]
By |July 20th, 2022|Categories: Parish News|

Gratitude for a beautiful holiday season!

The Beloved Community at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church came together in one joyous gathering after another this season! The momentum built steadily from our first coffee hour back in the fall, it grew with the size of our choir and the enthusiasm of our school. So many reached out […]

By |January 4th, 2022|Categories: Parish News|

Christmas Eve Services

We will have a spectacular evening of music and worship this Christmas Eve of 2021.

The program will include:

“And the Glory of the Lord” – Handel
“Gloria” – Vivaldi
Christmas Oratorio – Saint-Saëns
“There were shepherds … Gloria”
“Patiently have I waited for the Lord”
“Praise the Lord of Hosts”
“Nativity Carol” – Rutter
“Star Carol” – […]

By |December 17th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Angel Tree Donations a Great Success

On Sunday, December 12, The Angel Tree gifts were blessed and delivered to children at the Children’s Diagnostic Treatment Center.

For many of the children it is the only Christmas gift they will receive.  Bisiola Fortune and Jean Starkey came from the CDTC to receive the gifts on behalf of […]

By |December 15th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Welcome Dr. Kevin Estes, our new music director

Please welcome Dr. Kevin L. Estes as our new Music Director at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church! We welcome Dr. Estes and his beautiful family – wife Jenny and two handsome young sons!

Dr. Estes is a graduate of The Juilliard School, with training in organ and piano performance, orchestral & […]

By |November 19th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

A Heartwarming Celebration for All Saints Sunday

Thanks to Father Harvey’s vision, the pictures supplied by many parishioners, and the wonderful work by Kelly Harris to prepare the digital presentation, our service for All Saints Sunday was a memorable event, both poignant and heartwarming.

You can see the entire service on our YouTube channel at this link: […]

By |November 12th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Guest Organist Dr. Kevin L. Estes for October 24

Today we welcome Dr. Kevin L. Estes as our guest organist. Dr. Estes has served churches in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Texas over the past 35 years where he has conducted Choirs and Orchestras in worship and in concert. He and his family currently call South […]

By |October 24th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

A Saint Mark’s Farewell to Roosevelt Penagos

Following the unexpected passing of a cherished member of our Saint Mark’s family, Roosevelt Penagos, a Celebration of Life service was held this past Tuesday (Oct 5th). The service was beautifully crafted, and led by our school chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Robyn Neville, who was assisted by our Priest-in-Charge, […]

By |October 13th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Blessing of the Animals a roaring success!

The not-so-wild beasts were peaceful this Sunday as we celebrated the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Father Harvey, our priest in residence, invited all the congregation’s pets into the church for the Blessing of the Animals. The turnout was terrific, and the honored guests were all exceedingly well-behaved. […]

By |October 4th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Stirring Sendoff for David Cuthbertson

Saint Mark’s was the perfect location for David Cuthbertson’s Celebration of Life. It’s where he met and married Gail, after a whirlwind romance that lasted almost 50 years.

David was born in Chicago, soon the family moved to Louisiana, where David enjoyed farm life. He attended Louisiana State University on […]

By |September 21st, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Great Success for Welcome Back Coffee

Thank you Lynne Coughlin and the rest of the Saint Mark’s Vestry for an outstanding return to the tradition of coffee hour!

The fellowship and food at the very well attended event in the Parish Hall was like finding an oasis after the sparsity of in-person connection during the pandemic. […]

By |September 15th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Service of Preparation – Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King held an Orientation for women interested in learning more about the ministry, to help them discern if they are being called by God to join the Order.

During the 10:00 Service on Sunday, August 29, Father Harvey led the Service of Preparation for Membership for […]

By |August 31st, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Welcome Fr. Sonley Joseph

The Reverend Sonley Joseph is very excited about celebrating our Sunday morning 8:00 services. He is originally from Haiti, is married, and has two children.

He earned his Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary. He served as a Professor of Christian Spirituality at the Nursing and Rehabilitation […]

By |August 31st, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Welcome Fr. Errol Harvey

The Reverend Errol Harvey is currently serving as our parish Priest-In-Residence, celebrating the 10:30 services on Sundays and providing Pastoral Care. Father Harvey is originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan. His diverse Clergy background has taken him to Newark, N. J., Dorchester, Massachusetts, The Bronx and the Lower East Side […]

By |August 31st, 2021|Categories: Parish News|

Celebration of Life: Wonny Kerr

If you ever crossed paths with Wonny, even briefly, you know that smile.

We celebrated the life of Wonny Anthony Kerr this morning, a faithful and much-loved member of Saint Mark’s Church. Over 100 people attended the service. Wonny’s three daughters, Keddis, Nicolan, and Alexis, delivered a beautiful tribute to […]

By |July 11th, 2021|Categories: Parish News|
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